To ask for help, click on "Support," "New Ticket".
Give your ticket a Brief Title, for example: "Forgot to cancel my subscription"
Assign it to the category related, in this case, "Billing and Subscription."
You find here multiple categories related to various topics: "Sign-in Help,"
"Billing and Subscription," "Technical Issue,"
"Privacy and Security," "Feature Request," and "Feedback and Ideas."
Feel free to ask for help in any category. Describe your issue: for example, "Hi,
I forgot to cancel my subscription in time before this month's charge. Can you cancel it for me?"
Click on "Save Ticket". Your ticket was added successfully.
This page here shows the ticket listing if you have multiple ones.
On the left side, we have the ticket itself, including its details, title, description of the
issue, the category related, the messages number, and status; it can be either "Open or Resolved."
On the right side, you have the filter that can assist you in filtering tickets
by resolved ones, open, or both status by clicking on "All Tickets."
Now let's click on "Show Ticket," where the interaction with the support team will happen.
We have three segments here:
At the top of the page, the ticket Infos, and a toggle switch to mark the ticket as resolved.
At the middle of the page, you'll find as a first message your issue detail,
At the bottom of the page, a zone where to type your messages.
Let's return to the tickets listing and see what will happen
if you got an answer to your issue from the support team.
Here, we have a green dot in two places: the navigation
and the ticket detail, representing a notification of "YOU GOT AN ANSWER."
Click on "Show Ticket," The green dot disappears once you access the reply.
We have here replied to the issue in question, so if it's fixed, you can mark the ticket as solved;
otherwise, if it's not, you can keep elaborating the issue, and we'll be happy to help.
Let's mark this issue as "Solved", Once you mark it as solved, the ticket status
change from "Open" to "Resolved," and you'll not have access to the "Add a new message" section.
Return to the tickets list,
and you'll find that the ticket is now in the RESOLVED section instead of OPEN.