Let's do two documents generations to see what will happens in the print's history,
click on "Generate Document".
Enable all Options for the Shuffle Settings, set the file name to "english-synonyms-antonyms",
check "Include QR Codes for correction system", set the number of copies to "5"
Click on "Preview", wait for the preview, confirm the settings, wait for the processing of the file.
Download your file, click now on the cross mark to close this page,
the prints history now shows your last document generation, including the file name,
the date of the document creation, the number of copies, the shuffle settings applied.
You also have access to the download link and the link to the correction of all randomized copies.
Let's do the second document generation, where we'll change some parameters; for the file name,
we'll use "synonyms-and-antonyms," the number of copies we'll set it to 1, we'll shuffle nothing,
click on "preview," "confirm," "download," and close the page.
We notice another element on the Prints history, including all the settings applied
for the last document generation, the download link, and the correction of the one copy.
The prints history will serve you to keep track of each of your document production,
the settings applied, access to the download and correction links.